The Ladies Man 2

Ladies Man

Between this photo, and the photo my wife took, one can only wonder why I am not on the cover of Time Magazine or something. This photo was taken by my colleague and avid photographer, Thrig, whilst eating a Starbucks breakfast sandwich* at work a few weeks back. Everyone at work seems to think I am eating my hand or something.

Gerald Ford: Family Man, Buddhist, and hand-eater.

P.S. Seriously, you have to give Thrig credit for taking a nice black and white of a fat guy eating his breakfast. I am not a good photographer at all, so I can appreciate his artistic talent. :)

* – Imagine my surprise when I heard that Starbucks is taking away those tasty little sandwiches because Howard thinks the smells ruins the ambience of the coffee shop. Pfft.

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5 Comments on “The Ladies Man 2”

  1. Gregor says:

    What kind of sandwich was it?

  2. thrig says:

    Hand and Cheese.

  3. Jeannie says:

    This is a very nicely shot picture.

  4. Shilpi says:

    Pricelss photo. And priceless comment (eating up the hand). But I thought it looks as if your hand is trying to gobble up your face – or that your face is warding off a hand-attack. Wonderful blog by the way. Shall be visiting off and on.

  5. Gerald Ford says:

    Hi guys,

    Thrig: Nice pun

    Jeannie: Thank you. :)

    Shilpi: Warding of a hand-attack…hilarious!

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