Internet at last!

I finally got Internet service hooked up at my apartment in Ireland yesterday. I called a couple different ISPs, one Clearwire, the other a local cable/broadband company. I called Clearwire at 2:30pm and by 10:30pm, they had personally delivered the device, set it up and I was ready to go. The cable company couldn’t find my address* in their records, and had to enter it manually into their system, which would be done by Monday (i.e. 5 days from now). Then they could activate service.

Clearwire, being a wireless internet service, is slower and flakier than what I could get from cable, but most of my Internet usage is email, blogging, and posting baby pictures, so I don’t need it that badly. I’ve used it in the old apartment for on-call shifts and it was fine. I had few problems with it, though the network connection would occasionally jam up. I found that pulling out the power cable on the wireless modem and putting it back in usually fixed that up.

In any case, I’ve found Clearwire’s service to be very helpful and quick, which is what I needed most right now. I stayed up until 1am last night just surfing boards and discussions I hadn’t read in a while. It was nice. Also, my wife can finally catch up on an extensive email backlog.

Who knew the Internets were such an integral part of our lives? :p


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3 Comments on “Internet at last!”

  1. Dan says:

    Yay! I had no idea Clearwire was in Europe. It’s marketed big in Hawaii.
    I, myself, got hooked to the AT&T 3G laptop card. I couldn’t go back, unless I get some internet-sharing cellphone…

  2. Gerald Ford says:

    Heh, I’ve used the AT&T cards as well, so I know what you’re talking about. :D

    Good to see you, Dan. :)

  3. michael says:

    Woo Hoo! Internet is great! And addictive. Glad you’re back on.

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